This has always been one of my most common questions to ask when learning something new. Or also when deciding to try something different… and so here we are!
Why start a Blog? Well at first it was because I wanted to drive more traffic to my site and hopefully generate more business. But as I got to plan it more and more, I started to feel a sense of curiosity. All sorts of topics started to pop into my head, so I began to write them down. Then I noticed that they all seemed to be unrelated. Some involved photography, but others were more about learning or teaching, yet I found them all equally interesting.
At that point I realized this couldn’t be just about building a photography business. It has the potential of being so much more, but how do you bring all these unrelated topics together? Or better yet, why? What’s the point? That’s when it hit me, why indeed… Well because I’m a curious person and I find many different things interesting, so why not make the blog about curiosity?
You see, “curiosity” can be defined in two ways:
A strong desire to know or learn something.
A strange or unusual object or fact.
This is what really excited me! And with this excitement, I’d like to invite you to join me in my new adventure. But not just as a passenger, also as a contributor! Is there something you are curious about and would like to know? Let me know and I’ll do the research for you. Maybe you have a special talent you’d like to showcase? Whatever it is, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Your time is precious and so I thank you for sticking around! And if I’ve piqued your curiosity enough, then please make sure you don’t miss any new posts by signing up below. Take care and see you back here next week!