Will You Think of Me?
“One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.”
― Antonio Porchia
A couple of years ago, on a typical Saturday morning, we were out and about on our weekly treasure hunt. This particular day I ran across some beautiful flowers embossed onto a black hard back notebook. Immediately, I knew this was going to be something profound and unique because I could see time had not been very kind to it. What really caught my eye was the edges of the pages (ha! I made a rhyme!) were covered in what I could only imagine as being gold—a technique used even to this day to protect paper from bookworms and other bugs that like to eat paper.
Also embossed on the cover are the words "Golden Floral Album". After taking it all in, very carefully I opened it, and the VERY FIRST message was written in beautiful cursive, almost calligraphic penmanship, and at the very bottom, a date... June 6th, 1883... "Did I read that right??", was my first, second, third, and even fourth thought. 1883... WOW! At the time, it was 135 YEARS OLD! I could not believe my luck! I was holding, and still am holding, something that is over a 130 years old!
Some albums also came with bright and colorful illustrations.
After quickly skimming over some of the other pages, I found more messages that were similar to the first one, not only in penmanship, but in the message content. In the next couple of years, every now and then I would find myself wondering whether albums like these were a popular thing at that time or perhaps just a fad. As it turns out, around late 1800s Kodak released their first roll film camera. Photography, while it was starting to take off, it still wasn't quite as affordable for everyone. So the next best thing was to get a hold of one of these autograph albums, and have friends and family pen some nice, encouraging messages in them—they were basically the Victorian version of school yearbooks!
In honor of Louisa, the original owner of this beautiful book of memories, I would like to now share some of my favorite passages found within her bound pages. I do , however, want to apologize because I know not her last name as it is not found in any of the messages. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
This Book may it be ¶An index to thy Life, each page be penned ¶By amity uncolored and by View ¶Unspotted. Cheerful be each modest leaf ¶Not rude and pious be each written line. ¶Without Hypocrisy be it devout. ¶Without Moroseness be it serious. ¶Share, share, many leaves for Charity ¶Such be thy Book and such may it ever be.
June 16th, 1883.
To Lulu,
Long may you live ¶Happy may you be, ¶Blest with contentment ¶and often think of me.
April 17th, 1883
To Lulu,
Don't be afraid to ¶fight the wrong. ¶Or stand up for ¶your right. And ¶when you've nothing ¶Else to say, be sure ¶you say good night.
April 17, 1883
To Louisa,
When along the roads I'm traveling ¶And a far of't land I'll see ¶And when of a bruit friend I'm thinking ¶I will sometimes think of thee.
To Lou,
Perchance these few forgotten lines ¶In other days you'll see ¶They may recall a single thought ¶Of friendship and of me.
July 29, 1883
To Lou,
I've looked this album o'er and o'er ¶To see what others have written before ¶And now I write that others may see ¶These simple words "Remember Me".
July 29, 1883
Think of me when this you see ¶Bear in mind a true friend is hard to find ¶When you find one kind and true ¶Never change for a new.
August 6th, 1886
To Lulu,
In your chain of friendship ¶Regard me as a link.
April 6th, 1883
May heaven protect and keep thee ¶From every sorrow free ¶And grant thee every blessing ¶My earnest wish for thee.
January 20th, 1886
To Lulu,
When the golden Sun is setting, ¶And your mind from care is free ¶And of others you are thinking ¶Will you ever think of me.
April 18th, 1884
May never one take up the pen, ¶Who's not a friend of thine, ¶To write a verse within this book, ¶Nor even a single line; ¶But may each sentence written here, ¶A thoughtful statement be, ¶Of some kind friends regard, ¶An ardent wish for me.
To Lou,
If words could all my wishes say ¶Oh! how my tongue would talk away. ¶I wish this day and many more ¶Might on dear Lou, blessings pour. ¶May health, wealth, love, and peace ¶With each succeeding year increase. ¶And oh! the flower, come when it may, ¶Be unto thee a happy day.
I have to say, doing this every week is a bit much for me at the moment. So any future posts will now be ever other week. However, I would like to thank you for stopping by. Your time is precious and I appreciate you spending it here.
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