The M&M Conspiracy!
“Whoever thought a tiny candy bar should be called ‘Fun Size’ was a dummie*.”
― Glenn Beck (*edited for language hehe!)
WARNING: What you’re about to read is all in the spirit of silliness. Enjoy!
Halloween has passed, and if you are like us, then there’s a fairly good chance you have an intoxicating amount of candy left over. And it all just keeps calling me, “Eat me! I’m super delish!” As I look at all these tiny bags full sugar and chocolate morsels, I’m reminded of my “Fun Size Conspiracy Theory”. Before I get into it though, I feel you should know how I even discovered such a secretive plot…
You see, when it comes to these little “Fun Size” candies—M&Ms, Skittles and Smarties to be exact—there’s a very specific way in which I like to eat them. Some call it weird, or odd, or just crazy. I like to think of it more as “flavor organization”.
After opening one of these small packages of joy, organization mode kicks in and they are immediately sorted by color. When done, I proceed to enjoy them two at a time, but every pair has to be of different color! Here’s where it gets interesting, after eating them this way, a GOOD MAJORITY of the time, there are three left at the end! As you can imagine, this really throws my whole system out of whack!

Of course I didn’t notice this right away, no siree! This took a few years and hundreds (if not thousands!) of scientific trial-and-error investigation. But I’m onto them now and it’s time to bring this out to light!
So what is the actual conspiracy you ask? Oh I’ll tell you! You see, when you have one of these “Fun Size” packs, by Murphy’s Law, you are going to be around others. This means that you are going to have to share in the “Fun”. And what’s going to happen when you do? Well good manners dictate that you have to give the last piece in the pack to whoever you’ve been sharing them with. And THAT takes the “FUN” away!
At this point, you have to either go grab another bag (which more than likely you’ll have to share again), or just sit there and watch the other person enjoy the last piece of sweet goodness that was rightfully yours! See? It’s all a conspiracy so you buy more of those cursed “Fun Size” candies! I’m watching you M&Ms!!
What do you think? Am I onto something here? Or are you one of those who think I’m crazy? LOL!
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