The Mask!
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face."
—Oscar Wilde
Given the situation we currently find ourselves in, it seems as if everyone is currently talking about masks. However, masks have actually been around for thousands and thousands of years. Isn't it interesting how their use and meaning has evolved over the millennia?
If the internet is correct, the oldest mask known to man is about 7000 years old! It is believed that originally, masks were used as a link to all-powerful deities—both good and evil! They were worn during rituals and sacrifices meant to revere such deities.
Later, their meaning shifted and became widely used in theater. In order to make sure everyone enjoyed the presentations, they were made with exaggerated features and expressions. These allowed the patrons, especially the ones that couldn't afford a seat close to the stage, to still see and understand the personalities and traits of the characters being portrayed by the actors--including gender.
As time went by, some masks began emerging as symbols of hope and protest against tyrannical rule and political abuse of power.
While the famous movie V for Vendetta was simply historical fiction, some people have adopted the famous Guy Fawkes mask as such a symbol during political protests.
Moving unto a not so serious aspect of masks, let's go to Asia.
While some masks were made in such a way to strike fear unto an enemy, like the very well-known and intricately decorated Samurai Masks—now there's a mask I wish I had!—to the decorative ones with even more exaggerated features. Really, the numerous shapes, sizes, and styles are just endless!
And then we have the zoomorphic masks, which are the ones in the shape of animal heads.
Of course, these animals always have special meaning to the wearer. For example, in Africa, they represent animal spirits who guide the wearer. The Giraffe reminds us that whatever heights we manage to achieve, we are to always remain grounded.
Today, it seems like masks can go from something serious, to a pure marketing stunt—and yes, of course I fell for it!
How could I resist not getting a Deadpool mask? This cardboard mask was SWAG given out during the Deadpool 2 movie premiere.
Are there any other masks you have seen or have found interesting? Let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear of your adventures!
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