Hope in a Flash!
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all."
—Emily Dickinson
Hi there everyone! First I have to apologize for taking as long as it did to make another post. It’s just that shortly after taking my break, life just got super busy and I wasn’t able to find time to keep doing this regularly. While I can’t say I’m back full time, I’m hoping I can at least do a post here and there as time allows.
That being said, I want to share a wonderful experience I had in my most recent photo shoot. A few months ago, I became part of a network of volunteer photographers for an organization by the name of Flashes of Hope. What they do is… well, who better to explain it than them. Here’s their mission statement from their website flashesofhope.org :
For quite some time, I’ve been wanting to find a way to combine my photography and volunteering. So when I learned about Flashes of Hope and what they do, I signed up immediately!
Now let me tell you, I went into this project not knowing what to expect at all. My thoughts went anywhere from happy moments of kids playing and laughing, to kids being in beds with all sorts of things connected to them. All I knew was that regardless what the situation was going to be, I was willing to put my best effort into creating happy memories for them and their families.
Then the day came when our first scheduled shoot was to happen at the designated children's hospital in San Antonio, Texas and we were ready!
Just a quick note before we get into the photos, there are a few angels whom I need to thank. First, the wonderful hospital staff as well as the FOH organizer that made all this possible and are truly the ones that deserve all the credit for this. From getting the area ready, to organizing and scheduling the families, all the way to distributing the final products, they got it all done quickly and efficiently! Thank you all! You are truly the best!
And second, my wife who is my rock, and always willing to help during my shoots. Very hard worker who never says no and is always willing to help anyone in need. Couldn’t have done it without her!
Time for photos! These are just a select few of the happy moments we were able to capture. However, if you’d like to see the full gallery, feel free to go to my Flashes of Hope section.
As always, thank you for stopping by. Your time is precious and I appreciate you spending it here. Take care and until next time!