Wanna Hang?
“I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to come and witness my hanging.”
—George W. Bush
Hello hello! Today is going to be a little different because I’d like to start out by asking you a question. I know normally, I tend to ask questions towards the end of the posts. However, I am genuinely curious about something: What is your process for hanging frames? In other words, do you make sure they line up? Do you do any measuring? Or do just eyeball it and hope for the best?
The reason I want to chat about this with you is because apparently—at least according to my wife—I’m a bit of a perfectionist, haha! You see, last week I ordered a 30” x 30” metal print of one of the photos from my Eccentric Collections post (the B/W version of the Plague Doctor mask). And well, it came in yesterday and so I began to get my tools out.
Laser leveler, hammer, measuring tape, and standard level
My tools of the trade are a laser leveler, hammer, measuring tape, and standard level. While I do have others, these are my main go-to ones. For this particular frame I did not need the laser leveler since it was going to be hung in the middle of the wall.
Both frames are 19.5” from the ceiling.
Now, across from that wall we currently have a painting, and since I wanted them to line up, I measured the distance of the top of the frame to the ceiling. This way I could hang the metal frame at the exact same height. Was that too much?? LOL
They are each 22.5” from each other.
Details like these are why I am the official “Hanger” in our household. Take a look at these posters in our bedroom. Doesn’t it make sense that the tops should line up? Not to mention the fact that they have to be at the exact same distance apart. Please tell me I’m not the only one that pays attention to this… (Side Note: the Harley Quinn frame on the right is aligned w/the middle of the Vampire Hunter D poster.)
Fun fact: This frame is one of the smallest ones, yet, it’s the heaviest one!
Or here’s this frame in our bathroom. Wouldn’t you agree that it looks better because it follows the upper edge of the mirror?
I love the title of this one: “Dog Breath”
I’m sure you can at least appreciate that this Snoopy frame looks much better here, since it visually connects both door frames. Yes? No? Maybe? Or maybe I’m just crazy? XD
I look forward to hear about whether you agree with me, or you think I’m just a bit much!
As always, thank you for stopping by. Your time is precious and I appreciate you spending it here. If you haven’t already, make sure you don’t miss any new posts by signing up below. Take care of yourselves and see you back here in two weeks!