A Green Adventure!
“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”
—Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the experience I had doing a photo shoot prior to our move. What’s so special about this shoot? Only the fact that I got to photograph several cosplayers in front of a green screen! While I have done something like this in the past, I hadn’t really done it at this scale and with Cosplayers! The shoot lasted all day and it involved several models.
Before I get into the details though, I have to give a big thanks to my friends at Knight Watch Games. They were the ones that made this great new adventure possible! So please, if you’re looking for some new, cool, fun, and different board games, check them out! You can shop online at www.knightwatchgames.com or go to their Facebook page and give them a like. For those of you who are either local, or ever happen to be in the San Antonio area, you should definitely check out their store. You will want to move to SA here JUST for that! haha!
Now onto the good stuff, the photos! After going through ALL the photos we took that day (close to 1000), I finally was able to bring the number down to about 150. As much as I would LOVE to show you all those photos right now, knocking the green screen out and blending them with awesome backgrounds is going to be quite a daunting task. So for now, I want to share with you the first two images that have been finalized.
First we have an amazing cosplayer by the name of Larissa as a Half Elf. First let me say that this girl actually had two costumes! This was her first one and she was amazing. She really embodied her character and had a lot of fun doing all the different poses.

And for my second Cosplayer, Nathan portraying an Assassin with a deadly dagger. I’d hate to see what that thing can do! Nathan is definitely a natural and also a big help. While he wasn’t being photographed, he was helping other people with their costumes, and even helped me during the shoot. Thank you for all your hard work Nathan!

As I work on more images, I will be posting them on my Instagram so if you’re not following me over there yet, make sure you do. This way you won’t miss any more of these amazing models! As always, thank you for your time and I hope this lived up to your expectations! Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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