Are You Board?
“‘Just one game they said’, and started to play—that was yesterday.”
-Chinese Proverb.
So the other day we were having a get-together at my brother in law’s house and I decided to bring some board games along, especially because our nephew asked me to. Of course, I’m not one to waste such an opportunity to play games! So I brought a few that would be adequate for his age and easy to learn & play: King of Tokyo, Lovecraft Letter, and Spoils of War. Of course to me, these are “normal” every-day board games, but when his mom asked me where I had gotten such games, I realized something, these were not your “every day” streamline board games you see at stores.
You see, they were used to “classic” games like Clue, Sorry, LIFE and so on. They had never heard of, or even seen games like these. So what I consider “normal” board games, to others, they are mysterious and curious little boxes with all sorts of parts, figures, and tokens which when combined with a clear set of rules, they can provide endless entertainment for hours on end!
And so I thought hey, why not open up my game library and show you some of these games which you are not likely to find in a big box store.
Parker Brothers CLUE
CLUE. Now I know I said these would be games you couldn’t find in big box stores. Well technically, this still falls under that category. This version of CLUE is from 1960 so it’s basically a classic version of a classic game, so it’s a cla-classic! Haha!
Mr. Green, in the Library, with the Rope!
For those of you who happen to be Clueless about this game, it’s basically a murder mystery board game. By using your sharp deductive skills, you have to figure out where the crime was committed, by whom, and with which weapon.
King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo. Each player takes control of a big monster and you have to take out all the other monster players! It’s a fun game that uses Dice to decide your actions along with cards to power up your monster.
It’s quite a showdown!
And of course this fun-filled battle happens right on top of the big city of Tokyo!
Spoils of War
Spoils of War. Basically Liars’ Dice on steroids. If you’ve watched Pirate’s of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, you’ve seen Liars’ Dice. You know that scene where Will plays a dice game with Davy Jones in order to find out the location of the key to open up the “Dead Man’s Chest”? That’s Liars’ Dice. I know it may seem confusing at first, but once you get it, it’s actually quite fun.
Bet the most and become Viking Chief!
Well Spoils of War takes that to the next level! It adds another mechanic to it in which you get to collect treasures and increase the value of your spoils. And if you happen to be Viking Chief, you get even more treasures!
Tyrants of the Underdark
Tyrants of the Underdark. This is one of my favorites. It is a land conquering, deck building, strategy, no-mercy-allowed type of game. Based on the classic Dungeons & Dragons world of the Underdark.
Time to go on the offensive!
Get the cards you need to build a deck strong enough to take over as much land as possible, all while taking out your opponents’ minions and preventing them from getting too strong. It’s not difficult to learn, but definitely takes time to master. Lots of fun!
What does your game library look like? Do you have any games which people have never heard of, but had enough fun to go and buy one themselves? I’d love to hear about it!
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